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RTE Cockpit crash course



18min 48sec

This course will show you in detail how to set up the following PI session step by step in the RTE Cockpit in In this first lesson, we present the menu items that make up the RTE Cockpit and explain how you can use them to prepare your PI session, manage Teams and ARTs, invite Users or connect your ALM tool properly.Let's get started!

You just signed up for a free trial. You clicked a little through the solution and you ended up here in the RTE Cockpit, where the real power of sits. Now what? Well simple. With this course you will set up your first teams, model your first ART and prepare your first PI Planning session and learn how you can steer your ART towards a more value oriented planning rhythm. The RTE Cockpit is the control center for the RTE. Minimize the functionalities in the planning UI so your teams can better focus on what really matters.

Let me quickly show you around in the RTE Cockpit. Under “SAFe PIs” we can find all the PI sessions that we created, administer them and prepare new ones. Under “Organization” we define how our organization is structured. We create teams, invite users to those teams, form the ARTs and possible Solution Trains. Under Users we can handle the permissions of each user that has access to “ALM Connections” is probably very self explanatory. Here we make sure that the real-time bidirectional synchronization between and your Jira, Rally or Microsoft Azure DevOps are well set up. “SSO” is about your access management through an OpenID provider. Be aware that it requires at least our Premium plan for this. Under “Billing” we can add additional licenses, extend the licenses and upgrade the plan. Under “Settings” we can extract any Audit logs if needed and then there is also “Learn” which will lead us to additional resources about the use of and community advice. By clicking on our Avatar in the upper right corner we can navigate to our user profile.

In this course you will learn how to prepare your fist PI with We will not focus on the ALM connection. Let’s get started.

About the course

This 10 lessons course shows you, the RTE & STE on how to set up the RTE Cockpit for PI Planning sessions from the fundamentals to advanced tips. After watching this course you will be able to manage ARTs, invite Users, connect your ALM tool, and prepare a PI session.






18min 48sec

Last Updated

Meet your Expert

Peter Pedross

CEO & Founder PEDCO AG, Chief Methodologist Applied SAFe

Creator of the product Applied SAFe. Started to program for money at the age of 14. Ex-professional sportsman with a passion for software and a knack in engineering. 30+ years working experience with 50+ publications. SAFe SPC since 2011, Agile (XP) since 1999. Happy father and married to a wonderful woman.

Meet your Expert

Silvio Wandfluh

Head of Product, SPC5

Silvio is a certified SAFe® Program Consultant and as Head of Product at Rentouch responsible for the innovation of

Meet your Expert

Shane Harrison

Business and Agile Leadership Coach

Shane is a business focused change agent, specialising in enterprise level digital Lean/Agile transformations. More than 17 years consulting experience across a variety of industries from pharma to banking Shane is a specialist when it comes to context and culture-specific transformations.

Meet your Expert

Ian J Franks

SAFe® 5 Program Consultant & RTE

Ian has a deep knowledge of Scrum, Kanban and Scaled Agile, and 30 years’ experience in international IT Transformation Programs. He is a successful PO, SM & RTE and as a Consultant/Trainer he coaches his clients develop a strong Agile Mindset that delivers real change and measurable improvements.


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