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Release version 2.16.0

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

May 16, 2024

See documentation

Jira Assignees Synced to Sticky Notes

Now, when you sync sticky notes from Jira to, the assignee information is automatically transferred. This ensures that every team member can see at a glance who is responsible for each task, facilitating better coordination and accountability across your Agile Release Train. Enjoy a more connected planning experience.

April 20, 2024

See documentation

StickyNote Pro

The StickyNote Pro isn't just a new tool – it changes the way we work. It comes in many types and colors, all designed to fit your unique way of working. But no matter how you use it, its simplicity remains the same. Simplicity is what we're all about.

April 9, 2024

See documentation

Enhanced PI Admin Capabilities

As a PI Admin, you now have the ability to add and edit team members, as well as manage teams within your Agile Release Train.

March 20, 2024

See documentation

Enhanced Session Duplication Options

Prepare New PI: Retain the original PI configuration while updating teams, iteration names, and mappings. Duplicate This PI: Create a copy of the PI with the option to update team compositions, typically used when teams change before PI Planning begins.

March 18, 2024

See documentation

Keep Filters

If you want to close the search but keep the filter active in order to work on the board, click on "Keep Filters & Close". To clear the filter, click on the X in the top navigation on the left.

March 1, 2024

See documentation

Default Jira Team Field – now supported for mapping

Jira users can now use the out of the box Jira team field for mapping team and ART level items.

February 21, 2024

See documentation

Planned Iteration Visible in Plan Readout

The Plan Readout overview now also shows the iteration in which the work items linked to the team objective were planned.

February 7, 2024

See documentation

Release version 2.15.0

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

February 6, 2024

See documentation

History of Sticky Notes - Tracking Activities

The sticky note activity overview allows you to see what has happened to a sticky note since it was created. Who changed what and when. This helps with traceability.

December 13, 2023

See documentation

Mirror Dependency to Solution Planning Board

Efficiently manage cross-ART dependencies with the ability to mirror them onto the Solution Planning Board. When a team faces dependencies with another team in a different ART, reflecting these dependencies at the solution level ensures clear visibility and facilitates easy tracking across multiple ARTs.

November 8, 2023

See documentation

Redesigned Sticky Notes

Discover a polished new look for sticky notes! Our revamped design places the navigation menu at the top, enhancing user experience. Effortlessly access essential functions tailored to the specific type of sticky note.

October 25, 2023

See documentation

Efficient Multi-Sticky Note Copy-Paste

Introducing the power of swift copy-paste with multiple sticky notes at once! Enhance your workflow by seamlessly duplicating and transferring information across several sticky notes in one go.

October 25, 2023

See documentation

New Plan Readout Functionality

In Draft or Final Plan Readout, you can review the key planning outputs (PI Objectives, capacity and load, risks) easily in a new dedicated space. It offers quick access and aids in the tight timebox. Moreover it allows Business Owners to assign Business Value for Objectives.

September 19, 2023

See documentation

Enhanced Objective Management

Experience enhanced objective management with the option to toggle full descriptions on or off, providing a cleaner view. Additionally, expand associated sticky notes for a structured, organized overview. Easily monitor Objective status by referencing linked sticky note statuses.

August 30, 2023

See documentation

Streamlined Navigation: Dropdown Menu for Team and ART Selection

Effortlessly switch between Teams and ARTs with the new dropdown menu on the Team Board and ART Planning Board. Simplify your navigation and streamline collaboration.

June 21, 2023

See documentation

Release version 2.14.0

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

May 24, 2023

See documentation

Visualize Dependencies on Solution Planning Board

The visualization of Dependency sticky notes is now available on the Solution Planning Board. This enables seamless tracking and transparency of dependencies between Solution Trains, facilitating effortless management.

May 18, 2023

See documentation

Solution Level Boards

Introducing the new Solution Backlog Board & Solution Planning Board, accessible from the left menu bar. The new boards empower Solution Trains to plan and execute with ease efficiently.

May 17, 2023

See documentation

Improved Multi-Selection Actions on Backlog Board

The Backlog Board now allows for activities on multiple sticky notes. This enables seamless mirroring to another board, assigning to a team, or linking multiple sticky notes at once.

May 10, 2023

See documentation

Automate Backlog Board item mirroring to Team Board

Automatically mirror Backlog Board items onto the Team Board when the team is assigned. This can easily be done in the RTE Cockpit by ticking the relevant box located under the ART Backlog Board.

April 26, 2023

See documentation

Pin to Keep The Sticky Notes Highlighting

Now you can keep highlighting the sticky notes that are linked together by pinning them. This function will keep the visual representation of the strings between the sticky notes for as long as you need it. When you're done, simply click on the pin or press escape to remove it.

April 19, 2023

See documentation

New View Modes: Plan and Execution

With a toggle in the top bar, you can change now for two different modes: Plan and Execution. Easily switch between views to see your progress in Execution mode or stick with the default setting of Plan mode.

April 19, 2023

See documentation

New PI Admin Role

Within this new role, known as the PI Admin, individuals are granted access to the RTE Cockpit. They assume the responsibility of managing teams within their ART and Solution Trains, including the ability to add new team members. Moreover, they are entrusted with overseeing PI sessions in which they are actively involved as part of their Teams.

April 19, 2023

See documentation

Add Some Fun to PI Planning

You can now react to sticky notes with emojis! 😍🔥+1 Whether you want to show some love, express enthusiasm, or indicate agreement, you can now do it all by reacting with emojis to sticky notes! So go ahead, give it a try!

April 5, 2023

See documentation

Permanent Display of Strings on ART Planning Board

Now, you have the option to display the strings permanently on the ART Planning Board. By default, they are only visible for active sticky notes. To activate this feature, navigate to Board Settings located under your Profile.

April 5, 2023

See documentation

Removal of "Learn" Button & New Location for Topics

We have made an update that changes the way you access our learning resources. The "Learn" button has been removed, and the included topics are now accessible from the user's profile menu.

March 29, 2023

See documentation

Character Limitations in Title and Unlimited Description for Objectives

We have made an update that limits the character count for objective titles to 130 characters, providing more concise and focused titles. There is no limit to the description length, allowing users to provide more detailed information about the objective.

March 29, 2023

See documentation

Improved ART PI Objectives

The ART PI Objectives are now separated into two sides, ART PI Objectives and Team Objectives. This provides better visibility and transparency to the Team Objectives that are aligned with achieving the ART Objectives. With both objectives displayed side by side, it is easy to track progress and see how Team Objectives contribute to the overall ART Objectives.

March 15, 2023

See documentation

Shortcuts Sorted into Categories Under Help Menu

Now, when you navigate to the Help menu, you will find shortcuts categorized by their function. This helps you to quickly find the fastest command for the necessary tool.

March 8, 2023

See documentation

Enlarging Sticky Notes from Search Results

You can easily access and scale up the important sticky notes directly from the search results. Simply click on a sticky note in the search results and the corresponding note on the board will instantly scale up, providing a clearer and more detailed view.

March 8, 2023

See documentation

Hierarchical Display of Sticky Notes Related to Team Objectives

At Team Objectives all associated sticky notes from the Team Board are displayed in a hierarchy with feature at the top, providing a better overview of the tasks that support the Team Objectives.

March 1, 2023

See documentation

Navigation Shortcuts for Quick Board Access

By simply hovering over the navigation menu, now you can see the shortcuts to the boards you need to access, saving them time and making the navigation process more efficient.

March 1, 2023

See documentation

Grid-align sticky notes with multi-select function

From now on, when selecting multiple sticky notes, you can also choose the grid alignment function. In the board settings, you can adjust the distance between sticky notes.

March 1, 2023

See documentation

New Timeline for Where We Are in The PI

From now on, when you click on the Progress button, a timeline will appear showing where we are currently in the Program Increment.

February 22, 2023

See documentation

Improved Iteration Header Design on Team Board

The new design is more user-friendly and visually appealing, displaying important information such as the iteration start and end dates, capacity and load, access to team metrics along with the progress status of the iteration in a clear and concise manner.

February 22, 2023

See documentation

Program Metrics are on top of the Program Board

You can now view Program Metrics accessing from the Program Board located on the top left menu. This feature enables you to monitor and track of your whole PI, including Capacity Allocation and Load Vs. Capacity status. This new capability offers more transparency and visibility into the whole Program's status making it easier to identify potential issues and take corrective action.

February 22, 2023

See documentation

ART PI Objectives on The Menu Bar

You can access the ART PI Objectives directly from the menu bar. This saves time and makes it easier to stay up-to-date with the whole ART program's goals.

February 15, 2023

See documentation

Track Program Progress by Iterations and Teams on Program Board

You can easily track the status of your program and identify any potential issues that need to be addressed. By clicking on “Progress” on the top left menu, the progress bar will appear by Iterations and Teams. By hovering over the bar you can get more detailed information on their progress and identify areas that may need additional attention.

February 15, 2023

See documentation

Collapsible Team Objective List

This feature allows users to easily expand or collapse the list to make the most of their screen space during planning sessions. To collapse or expand an objective, simply click on the arrow icon next to it.

February 8, 2023

See documentation

See Incoming, Outgoing, and Mutual Dependencies with New Filter

This new filter allows you to easily track the dependencies between different teams. This filter allows you to identify incoming, outgoing and mutual dependencies. The filter provides a clear and easy-to-understand visual overview of all dependencies that makes it easier for the team to plan and coordinate their work, ensuring that everyone is aware of any dependencies.

February 1, 2023

See documentation

Dependency Progress Tracking

This feature makes it easy to stay up-to-date with the status of dependencies and ensures that everyone is aware of any potential delays or roadblocks. To access it, simply click on the "Progress" button in the top left corner of the board. A progress bar appears at the bottom of the dependency sticky note, indicating the completion status of any related tasks. By hovering over the progress bar, you can see more details.

February 1, 2023

See documentation

Team Objectives Progress Tracking

This new update makes it easy to monitor the progress of your Team Objectives and identify any potential roadblocks. Simply opening the Team Objective window, the progress bar is displayed by default. By hovering over the progress bar, you can see more details.

February 1, 2023

See documentation

Iteration Progress Tracking

This feature adds a progress bar to each iteration, allowing you and your team to track their progress. Simply opening the Team Objective window, the progress bar is displayed by default. By hovering over the progress bar, you can see more details.

February 1, 2023

See documentation

Team Member List Added to Board Avatars

Now you can easily see who is collaborating with you on the same board. The list of names who is on the board has been added alongside avatars of other people on the board.

February 1, 2023

See documentation

Searching for Sticky Notes by Iterations

With this feature, you can easily search for specific sticky notes associated with a particular iteration. This makes it easier to keep track of tasks and see what is in progress or has yet to start. This makes it easy to identify potential backlog areas in your team.

January 25, 2023

See documentation

Search within dependencies for linked or unlinked sticky notes

Want to check if all dependencies are also linked to either a Feature or another Dependency, filter for “Unlinked” dependencies.

January 11, 2023

See documentation

Movable navigation bar

You can choose which side the navigation bar should be on. If it's in the way because it's covering something, you can move it to the other side. Always to where it's most comfortable for you.

January 4, 2023

See documentation

Search between linkable items

When you want to link a sticky note to an item and you click on "Link" on the sticky notes, you can search now among the linkable items. In the search bar, start typing the word you are looking for to filter the list. To make the items appear even neater, the sticky notes and Objectives are placed on two separate tabs.

January 4, 2023

See documentation

Synchronized team-field with Microsoft Azure DevOps

Thanks to the team-field sync with Microsoft Azure DevOps, when a team changes the text on a sticky note or moves it from one Iteration to another here will be automatically updated there and vice versa.

January 4, 2023

See documentation

Title is at the top of the board

Don't know which board you're on? You can always see the title of the board you are standing on at the top in the middle. In the case of the team board, you can jump to the other team's board from here.

December 14, 2022

See documentation

Available languages: English, Spanish, Japanese

In addition to English, you can now set Spanish or Japanese as your preferred language. Choose the language under your profile.

December 14, 2022

See documentation

Linking sticky note with Objectives by drag & drop

It's easier than ever to connect sticky notes with Objectives. Click on it to activate the sticky note and just drag & drop the string to the Objective you want to link.

December 14, 2022

See documentation

Zoom into a region

Want to take a closer look at an area on the Team Board? Right-click on the cell you want to inspect and select zoom to a region option. Now only that area is in focus on your screen.

December 14, 2022

See documentation

Highlight linked items

Highlight the items that are linked to each other! This works back and forth. Click on the sticky note to see the linked Objectives or click on the Objective to see the linked sticky notes.

December 14, 2022

See documentation

Sychronized team-field with Jira

Thanks to the team-field synchronization with Jira, when you change the text on a sticky note or move it from one team to another within the same Iteration here will be automatically updated there and vice versa.

December 14, 2022

See documentation

Link multiple sticky notes to Objectives

A handy solution is to link sticky notes to Team Objectives that help to achieve the specific Objective. Instead of linking each sticky note to the Objectives one by one, you can do it all at once thanks to the multiple sticky note selection function. Then click on the Objective to see the associated notes highlighted.

December 7, 2022

See documentation

Select multiple sticky notes

Select multiple sticky notes and take action on them at a time. It is a great help when you're working with tons of sticky notes, right? As soon as more than one sticky is selected you can move them to another position, align them vertically or horizontally, or link them to sticky notes or team objectives. Brilliant, isn’t it?

December 7, 2022

See documentation

Work on the board while filtering is active

It is now possible to work freely with the results filtered in the search bar. Edit or move the sticky notes, and when you're done, delete the filter criteria so that you can work in the full workspace again.

November 2, 2022

See documentation

Share filtered search results

If you want to talk through certain sticky notes, be specific by sending your team members which sticky notes you are talking about. You can do this simply. For instance filter out sticky notes with a pending status that belongs to your Scrum Master. Copy the link of the search result from the URL bar and send it to the Scrum Master. Now he/she can see the exact sticky note you want to point to. 

October 12, 2022

See documentation

New session selector & nav bar

You will find a cleaner and more transparent renewed session selector after logging in. We have also revamped the navigation bar, which includes a new element called facilitation. From here you can access the timer and progress display.

October 5, 2022

See documentation

Filtering for status

Do you want to know which tasks still need time and which ones are not ready yet? When searching, filter by sticky notes with to-do and in-progress statuses. You will immediately see which tasks are still to be done.

October 3, 2022

See documentation

Status on Features

Track the progress of your feature by hovering over the progress bar to see the status of the sticky notes in a mini report. ⚪ To Do | 🔵 In Progress | 🟢 Done.

September 27, 2022

See documentation

Track progress on Objectives

Based on the status of your linked work items you can now easily track progress on your Objectives. You will now have an even better overview of the processes in your Program Increment.

August 31, 2022

See documentation

Status sync with ALM tools

To avoid unnecessary manual work, when the status of a user story changes, it is automatically updated back and forth between and other ALM tools like Jira, Rally or Microsoft Azure DevOps.

August 24, 2022

See documentation

Link User Stories to Objectives

It is now possible to link User Stories to Team Objectives on the Team Board. Click on the link at the bottom of the sticky note you want to link, then select the desired Objective from the options listed.

July 27, 2022

See documentation

Improved ALM troubleshooting

Lately, we added additional tools to help you to troubleshoot ALM connectivity issues. This allows you to narrow down the problem with your stuck Jira or ADO sync faster than ever before. We highlight connection issues for each PI Planning session and provide a detailed log for each ALM connection.

May 25, 2022

See documentation

New login page

The login page in has been redesigned. After entering your email, select the account you want to use and you are in the familiar application.

May 18, 2022

See documentation

Sticky note functions

Sticky notes can have different functions in PI Planning. Therefore, in they have properties corresponding to the function. From now on, sticky notes with a work item function can also indicate the status of the task, which can be: to do, in progress, or done. In the case of those with note functions, we can make simple notes without unnecessary functions.

March 23, 2022

See documentation

Timer on boards

The built-in timer helps you with timeboxing. You can configure it for the whole ART that will be visible on all boards. Or you can also set an individual timer for a specific Team Board. You can always see what time is still left. Pause or reset if it's needed. When the time is up, the alarm will sound for those to whom it is addressed.

February 16, 2022

See documentation

ART metrics on Program Board

By clicking on the small icon in the Program Board header, you can access reports such as Capacity Allocation and Load vs. Capacity. They help you plan your resources more accurately during your PI session.

February 16, 2022

See documentation

Release version 2.12

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

February 16, 2022

See documentation

Redesigned RTE Cockpit navigation

You can enjoy new navigation in the RTE Cockpit. The menu got a cool design and the footer has been removed. We love it!

February 15, 2022

See documentation

PI session name in title

When you edit a session, you know which one you're editing because the session name in the title is always visible whichever settings menu you are editing.

February 9, 2022

See documentation

Profile menu

We added a Profile menu in the RTE Cockpit, where you can see some of your personal information. Here, you can change your name to the one you want your colleagues to call you. And here you can also change your password.

February 8, 2022

See documentation

Removed arrange button

The arrange button has been removed from the navigation bar. This function can be accessed by clicking on the three dots or by right-clicking on the mouse in each iteration.

February 7, 2022

See documentation

Global search

From now on, when you type in the search bar, the items matching your search will be automatically listed. This is also true if you search for stickers or teams. If nothing is entered, all items will be listed.

January 20, 2022

See documentation

Newly optimized context menu

We've restructured the functions to make it easier to see which ones apply to the whole board or specifically to the part you clicked on.

January 19, 2022

See documentation

Archive session

It is possible to archive a PI Planning session. This allows you to cleanup the list of available sessions to choose for users in the app.

January 12, 2022

See documentation

Release version 2.11

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

December 28, 2021

See documentation

Forced login via SSO only is available now allows you to force login via SSO only and prevent the usage of username and password for your users. This allows for secure, centralized and easy user access management. To do so you can check the box 'Prevent credential login / SSO only' on the IDP setup page.

December 16, 2021

See documentation

Load vs. capacity overview

In this newly available report, you can get feedback on the load of the iterations to see the status of your planning. The color of the bar helps you get a quick overview: blue indicates that the load is fine, orange is a warning and red is an overload. To do this, click on the pie chart in the upper right corner of any iteration and select the Load vs. Capacity tab.

November 30, 2021

See documentation

Risky links

You can now see on the Program Board and Team Board the risky links where the dependency is planned to be delivered in the same iteration or a later one than the feature. A notification will appear in the bottom right corner and disappears as soon as the risky link is resolved.

November 18, 2021

See documentation

Release version 2.10

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

November 17, 2021

See documentation

Allow spaces in team names

You can now enter the team names separated by a space in the Cockpit.

September 8, 2021

See documentation

Import CSV with link

Now you can also use the CSV import to bring links between sticky notes with an ALM key to the Program Backlog Board and the Team Boards.

August 30, 2021

See documentation

New collaboration canvases

Two new canvases are available. The checklist for Scrum of Scrums of Day 2 for PI Planning can serve you as a crutch. And the Impact Effort Matrix assists you to manage time more efficiently.

August 24, 2021

See documentation

Update help button

By pressing the Help Button now provides direct access to release notes, courses, documentation and keyboard shortcuts.

August 16, 2021

See documentation

Assign ARTs to solution train

Under organization in the menu on the left you can now add your ARTs to a Solution under "Solution Trains".

July 23, 2021

See documentation

Showing users on the same board

You can now see the avatars of the users which are also looking at the same board as you. If you click on or hover over the picture the name of the user will be displayed.

July 21, 2021

See documentation

List of solution trains

If you click on “Organization” in the menu on the left side and then navigate to the tab "Solution Train" you will find a list of all your Solutions.

July 15, 2021

See documentation

List of ARTs

If you click on “Organization” in the menu on the left side and then navigate to the tab "ARTs" you will find a list of all your ARTs.

July 8, 2021

See documentation

Release version 2.9

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

July 7, 2021

See documentation

New color palette available

The color palette of sticky notes appears when you click the "Add new" button on the bar and hides when you click it again. Drag and drop the sticky note to the board. Pressing the color pops up the sticky note in the center of the board. The last chosen color won’t be set up as default anymore.

July 1, 2021

See documentation

Shared sprints in Jira

Now it’s possible that you can use shared sprints. What does that mean? If you have one sprint configured in Jira but multiple teams use this one sprint you can now configure it with the new team-mapping field.

June 27, 2021

See documentation

Release version 2.3

This release includes all the features from previous Cloud releases.

May 19, 2021

See documentation

Redesigned ALM team mapping page

We optimized the way you can manage your teams under ALM team mapping. Now can edit team by team and this way you have a much better overview.

May 18, 2021

See documentation

Smoother board zoom

You can enjoy a smooth and snappy zoom in and out transition on the board. There is no lag when you have a lot (400+ items) of sticky notes on the board.

May 12, 2021

See documentation

Shortcuts for search on boards

To search on the board for stickers use control + F as a shortcut on your keyboard. For filtering the boards for teams use control + T. If you want to filter for a specific sticky type press control + Y. Be aware: Depending on your system instead of “control” the shortcuts might only work with “option” or “command”.

Infinite loading on users page

If you scroll down it will automatically load and display more users.

April 30, 2021

See documentation